Current cloudbase        Air Quality            

Current cloudbase

615 ft
187 m
above PWS
(Temperatura °C - Tačka Rose °C ) * 1000 /2.44 ft
ili (Temperatura °C - Tačka Rose °C ) * 125 m
Air Quality 

ID Stanice:
St Leonards

(3 mi NNE)

Air quality: Good
AQI [o3]

PM2.5 13

PM10 6
Information on Cloudbase

Based on a common formula using the temperature & dewpoint, as recorded realtime from this weather station, an estimated height of the cloudbase is calculated.

It is not a accurate tool it is a relative indicator.

This PWS is 509 ft (155 m) above MSL

Information on Air Quality

   US EPA Levels of Health Concern

  • 0-50  Good
  • 50+  Moderate
  • 100+ Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
  • 150+ Unhealthy
  • 200+ Very Unhealthy
  • 300+ Hazardous

    Dominant pollutant shown in brackets